Keeping you Informed
We know how important it is for you to know while your child is up to while at childcare. So we have many ways to keep in touch with you:
Progress reports
Each term you will receive a personalised report on your child’s learning. This will be linked back to the Early Years Learning Framework. At this time we also encourage feedback on how you feel your child is going and how we can help encourage their learning.
Each room also publishes a newsletter each term, to update parents on exciting things that have happened during the term. This might include a special visit or trip the children have taken.
Parent Interview Nights
Held once a year, these give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s development with their primary carer. You can hear about how they are doing, as well as negotiate outcomes for the following year.
General updates
We also keep you up-to-date with information about the centre, upcoming events and fundraising, via the parent pockets in the foyer, our KidsXap app, and our closed Facebook group (for current parents of the centre only).